At home veterinary euthanasia
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Euthanasia refers to the painless ending of life to limit a patient's suffering either from an incurable disease or a painful geriatric condition. Euthanasia is derived from the Greek meaning: good death. Many of us wish for our pets to quietly pass away while they are sleeping. Euthanasia allows them to do exactly that; painlessly and peacefully.
There really isn't anything that needs to be done prior to the euthanasia appointment. If possible, I suggest a trip outside to use the bathroom for dogs that are still mobile, about 30 minutes prior. Medications don't necessarily need to be given that day. Otherwise the location is up to you. It can be a favorite place, a bed, a couch, or even outside.
The day of the appointment, you can expect 2 separate injections. The first will be a combination of pain medication, sedation and mild anesthesia. This is given just under the skin like any vaccine and usually takes 5 to 10 minutes to take effect. Once the pet is comfortable, a second injection is given intravenously. This is an anesthetic overdose, the same kind of medication used prior to surgery to put a pet "under" and is very fast acting usually taking 1 to 3 minutes. For pets that have compromised cardio-vascular conditions, an alternate method may be used.
The total time for appointment is under an hour.
Absolutely! I suggest favorite foods, lip smacking treats and delicious desserts.
This question depends most on the age and maturity of the child. I find having an age-appropriate talk about what is taking place and then allowing them to choose for themselves to stay or go, is the best course of action. Some children (and some adults) are more comfortable with staying while their pet is becoming sedated and then leaving prior to when the final injection is given. Sometimes this is a fluid decision and what may have been decided on can change at the last minute.
I would suggest that during the procedure, it may be best to put them in another room or take them outside. Especially, if the other pet is protective and may take your attention from your beloved pet who is transitioning. Young pets or pets that want to be involved in what is going on can be a distraction. However, pets that are ok in being present but not trying to "help" and won't cause a distraction should be allowed to stay.
I am frequently asked if the other remaining pet(s) should inspect the deceased pet prior to taking them from the home. While we don't know what they take away from that experience, there isn't any reason to deny them of it.
Of course. This is the most precious of times and the last you will have to spend with them before saying goodbye. You are welcome to it.
Yes, under Missouri law it is legal to bury your pet, provided you meet some stipulations including but not limited to:
* burial sites shall not be located in low lying areas subject to flooding
* the lowest elevation of the burial pit shall be six feet or less below the surface of the ground
* deceased animals shall be covered with a final cover of minimum of 30 inches of soil
* at least 300 feet from any well, surface water intake structures, public water supply lakes, springs or sinkholes
* at least 50 feet from adjacent property lines
* at least 300 feet from any existing neighboring residence
* more than 100 feet from any body of surface water such as a stream, lake, pond, or intermittent stream
For the full statute you may search: Missouri Revised Statues, Chapter 269 Disposal of Dead Animals.
Unless you are planning for an at home burial (see criteria above) or if you are using a different crematorium, then yes, Paws In Heaven will take your pet from your home. If you opted for a private cremation, we will return your pets ashes either via home drop off or through UPS if outside of the travel radius. Of course, other arrangements can be made, just call 573-826-3016 to discuss.
Usually, the ashes take about 2 weeks to arrive. Due to increasing demand of in home euthanasia, we are no longer able to offer timely delivery back to your home. Ashes can be picked up at the UPS store located at 3305 Clark Lane, Suite D. You will be contacted via email when your pets cremains are available for pick up.